Results 1 - 8 of 8

BreyerFest Specials


LBR Lilleblakken horse

Fjord horse by Juliane Garstka / ...

Price :30,00 €
Total: 30,00 €
price plus Shippingcosts
Price per piece
WARNING! This product is not a toy

LBR Lucinda pony

Shetland pony mare by Juliane Garstka / ...

Price :30,00 €
Total: 30,00 €
price plus Shippingcosts
Price per piece
WARNING! This product is not a toy

Spade Bit CABALLO DEL MAR assembled

traditional with silver beads metal , etched , two color

Price :18,90 €
Total: 18,90 €
price plus Shippingcosts
Price per piece
WARNING! This product is not a toy

Spade Bit SANTA BARBARA 1:6 assembled

Signal bit, Californian bit, Western bit , Mr. Z assembled ...

Price :23,90 €
Total: 23,90 €
price plus Shippingcosts
Price per piece
WARNING! This product is not a toy

Spade Bit SANTA BARBARA Trad assembled

Signal bit, Californian bit, Western bit , traditional ...

Price :19,90 €
Total: 19,90 €
price plus Shippingcosts
Price per piece
WARNING! This product is not a toy

Spade Bit SANTA BARBARA Trad assembled

Signal bit, Californian bit, Western bit traditional with ...

Price :19,90 €
Total: 19,90 €
price plus Shippingcosts
Price per piece
WARNING! This product is not a toy

Spade Bit SANTA BARBARA Trad assembled

Signal bit, Californian bit, Western bit , traditional ...

Price :19,90 €
Total: 19,90 €
price plus Shippingcosts
Price per piece
WARNING! This product is not a toy


arabian show bit, western bit in silver, assembled metal , ...

Price :16,50 €
Total: 16,50 €
price plus Shippingcosts
Price per piece
WARNING! This product is not a toy